

Sunday Morning Bible Classes

Bible classes for all ages begin around 11:20 a.m. (following our worship service) and dismiss at noon. Classes meet every Sunday except for the first Sunday of each month, when we host a fellowship lunch.

First Sunday Lunch

Speaking of lunch, we eat together on the first Sunday of each month. Many of the lunches are “potluck” lunches, and the lunches provide a great way to begin to get to know others beyond the worship experience.

Small Group Gatherings

Gathering in small groups provides opportunities to get to know other people in our church, develop relationships, grow in our faith, and support each other. At The Vine we have several ways that people can connect to others in smaller groups outside of our Sunday morning activities.

Currently we have four “small groups” that meet at least once a month. These groups are largely divided up by various stages of life, from young adults to empty nesters. In addition to those groups, other opportunities to gather on a regular basis with others include:

  • A weekly Wednesday night Book discussion for adults from 7 to 8 p.m. We rotate between reading contemporary books connected to faith topics and books from the Bible.

  • Monthly “Just Dinner” gatherings that are designed to provide space for LGBTQ+ people, allies, and people who have been marginalized by the church to come together and enjoy a meal, ask questions, and be encouraged.

  • Youth gatherings where students in 6th through 12 grades can get together for events geared toward fellowship, discussion, or service.

For more information on how you can get connected or involved in one of these opportunities, contact our Minister, Warren Gray.

The Vine Church Podcast

Our church’s podcast is a place where we explore various topics connected to life, faith, and Scripture. We also occasionally share audio from classes and other in-person events. You can listen to the podcast here or via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or other podcast listening apps.

Special Events

You can stay up to date on special events and other activities by following us on social media (we are active on Facebook and Instagram) or by subscribing to our church e-mails on the home page of this site.