Open To All

Anyone who has questions about faith, is wrestling with what it means to be a follower of Jesus, or is simply interested in checking out what church life is like is welcome to join us at any of our gatherings.

Membership at The Vine is open to all who profess faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We welcome in full fellowship individuals of every race, gender, and sexual orientation, and we affirm the dignity and value of all people.

We believe that all are in need of a Savior, and that our decision to put our trust and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is exemplified in our decision to put Christ on in baptism. As such, members are encouraged to consider baptism if they have not already been baptized.

Membership Information

We believe that a faith community is able to thrive to its fullest extent when members are invested, involved, and committed to the work and efforts of the church. When those things happen, we are able to encourage one another and build each other up. As a church we are also then best positioned to fulfill what we believe God is calling us to pursue.

We believe that investment, involvement, and commitment includes:

  • While some members may not always be able to give or serve in other ways, participation is a gift and blessing to the rest of the faith community. Each person’s involvement and participation adds something of value to our communal gatherings. We understand that nobody can be involved in everything, but we encourage everyone to regularly attend Sunday worship services and find other places of connection and involvement amongst our other offerings.

  • A person’s place of service may shift or change over time, but we believe it’s important for members to find at least one area of ministry where they can serve, invest time, and use their talents. Serving within the church allows us to build relationships, support each other, and offer programming that meets a variety of needs.

  • Financial giving helps support the work and ministry efforts of The Vine. In addition, giving is part of how we strive to be good stewards of the blessings with which God has blessed us. We give out of a response to God’s love for us, recognizing that all that we have comes from him. As a church we provide regular financial updates so that members can know about our financial needs and how the offerings and money are being used.

  • Members of a faith community are called to invest in the lives of other members. This will look different for each individual and family, but it might include involvement in a small group, encouraging those who are sick, developing friendships with other members, regularly praying for other members, etc.