Plan Your Visit To The Vine
Thinking about visiting on a Sunday? We want your experience to be as welcoming, comfortable, and encouraging as possible. We also know that means something different for everyone, so in this space you’ll find general information about our Sunday morning gatherings, as well as the opportunity to fill out our “Plan Your Visit” form if you wish to do so!
Our church building is located at 4902 S. 31st Street in Temple, TX.
Meeting Times
We gather for worship on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. For other gathering opportunities, click here.
When You Arrive
Parking is available along the front and side of our building. If you are facing the front of our facilities, our worship center is located on the right. This is where we meet for worship on Sunday mornings, and if you arrive for worship this is the building to enter. To the left is our Fellowship Hall building, which contains our classrooms, offices, and a large gathering space. This is where Children’s Church, classes, and other gatherings take place.
Entering The Worship Center
In the foyer of our worship center you’ll find coffee, restrooms, and information about our church family and Sunday morning worship experience. You’ll also typically find people visiting and hanging out before the service. If you have children, our Kids Check In area is also conveniently located in the foyer. If you are new to our Kids Ministry someone will be available to help get you checked in and tell you all about our Kids Ministry offerings for that morning.
What should I wear?
You are welcome to arrive as casually or “dressed up” as you like, but typically you’ll find people dressed very casually at our gatherings. You may see people leading aspects of our worship service wearing button-up shirts, t-shirts, dresses, hoodies, or whatever else they feel like wearing that morning! Basically, wear what you want!
How many people will be there?
The amount of people who are present varies from Sunday to Sunday, especially for holiday weekends and other special occasions. But we currently average between 70-80 people in attendance in Sunday mornings. We have been consistently growing ever since our transition to being an open and affirming church in the summer of 2022, and we would love for you to come grow with us!
Is there anything for my kids?
Yes! Our church family is blessed with many young kids, and we love having kids with us on Sundays! During the worship service we offer childcare in our nursery for babies through 2-year-old children. In addition, children three years of age through second grade are invited to attend Children’s Church during the service. Those who attend Children’s Church start out in the worship center with their families, which gives them the opportunity to participate in the praise and worship portion of our service. They are then dismissed to Children’s Church with our volunteers at the beginning of the sermon. There is also a “cry room” available in our foyer for those who have young kids but may not want to send them to the nursery, as well as a kids table at the back of the worship center where kids can color and hang out during worship. If you have kids, be sure to check out our Kids Check-In Area when you arrive!
What takes place during the worship service?
You can find a rundown of all of the typical elements of our worship services at this page. You can also read more about the history of our church here.
Let Us Know You’re Coming By Completing Our “Plan A Visit” Form!
We would love to do whatever we can to help make your experience with us a positive one. Filling out this form will help us do just that. Feel free to leave items blank if you’d rather not share the requested information.